Wild Workout Wednesday Week #6- Healthy Bean soup recipe

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Even though the weather is warming up in Texas, I still love a good bowl of soup. My husband made a delicious bowl of bean soup last week. Here is the recipe:
-1 1/2- 2 cups of beans and put in pressure cooker( you can also use can beans)
-stir fry 1/4 onion in coconut oil and set aside
-cut about 3-4 tomatoes and set aside
-cut and wash about 2 cups of cilantro
-once the beans are done in the pressure cooker, drain about half of the water and keep the rest for broth
-add the onions, tomatoes and cilantro to the beans
– If you like an extra kick add some crushed black pepper to the beans

bean soup

What do you like in your bean soup?? I would love to hear what recipes you have.


About prettyinpinkfitness

I am a mom of a beautiful baby girl and I have been married to my husband for 8 years. I am an online fitness coach with Beachbody. I am passionate about helping people reach their fitness goals and become a better version of themselves. I also love discussing anything related to clean eating and fashion.

Posted on February 11, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. This looks really yummy! I love putting kale in my bean soup 🙂


  2. Looks yummy! I love bean soup but minus the cilantro 😛


  3. I LOVE bean soup. Plus it’s such an easy way to get some extra protein. I always add cilantro to mine. Makes it more delicious. 🙂


  4. This looks yummy..minus the cilantro. Can’t stand that stuff!


  5. This looks really good! I’ll have to try the recipe. I’m really jealous that the weather is warming up in Texas. It’s still bitterly cold here in Ohio. #wildworkoutwednesday


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